Removal of hazardous waste from the company Emerus doo through removal and disposal in an environmentally friendly way by engaging an authorized company in cooperation with the BiH Environmental Protection Fund
With the support and financing of the FBiH Environmental Protection Fund, in 2024, the activity of removing hazardous waste from the company Emerus doo through removal and disposal in an environmentally friendly way by engaging an authorized company was launched.
Due to the significantly reduced risk to the environment in the event of leakage/spill of hazardous waste or other accidental situations, as well as the significantly reduced risk to the health and safety of company employees and the local population, we decided to remove hazardous waste through removal and disposal in an environmentally friendly manner.
The total value of the project is KM 53,370.00, of which KM 41,410.40 was co-financed by the FBiH Environmental Protection Fund.
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